Bubba Bixby: A Bully with a Capital B– Post One

This should be completed after you have read Chapters One, Two, and Three

Bubba Bixby from Google Images

Bubba Bixby is a Bully with a Capital B.  He lives to make kids’ lives miserable, especially Nolan.  Do you think that bullies are born mean or do they become mean over time?   And more important, can they ever change and how do you think that this will happen? 

60 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by EC-4 on May 16, 2011 at 8:31 pm

    I think that bullies become mean over time because they think that people are better than them or they have parents who are mean to them or don’t give them enough attention. When they feel put down, they feel angry and that is why they are mean to other people. I think that bullies can change if people are nice to them. Then they will feel better about themselves, so they will stop putting other people down to feel better about themselves.


  2. Posted by EC21 on May 16, 2011 at 9:23 pm

    I think that they get mean over time because they learn to be mean by maybe that their parents is always fighting or they get bullied by a other big person and they learn how to be a bully. I think they can change if someone is brave enough that they could bully him and maybe the bully will feel bad and stop.And he doesn’t stop you could tell a teacher to make him stop and if he doesn’t that he will get kicked out of school. Who knows?


  3. Posted by ec 16 on May 16, 2011 at 9:25 pm

    I think bullies become mean over time because maybe their parents are mean to them, so they think that being mean is the right thing to do and when they start going to school they are mean to the other kids. I think bullies can change if you are nice to them, but there are some kinds of bullies that don’t change unless or until you teach them a lesson and there are some kind of bullies that will stop if you treat them nicely.


  4. Posted by ec10 on May 16, 2011 at 9:52 pm

    I think that bullies become mean overtime, I think that because I used to have a friend in 1st and 2nd grade but when I got into 3rd grade he betrayed me and now I don’t like him because he is a bully now. I think that bullies can change a lot overtime (my friend story is also a good example for this), I think that they can change because I noticed that as most people grow older, the more they tend to bully you. OR They can change from being a bully to being a friend by making them realize they won’t have any friends left to play with or have any friends to talk to.


    • Posted by riveredge on May 17, 2011 at 4:14 pm

      EC10, thank you for sharing your story. It must have been hard to be betrayed by a friend. How are you handling when you see this person now?


      • Posted by ec10 on May 23, 2011 at 10:36 pm

        thank you for asking about the bully, he doesn’t bully me anymore though. He stoped bullying in the beggining of 4th grade.

    • Posted by riveredge on May 17, 2011 at 4:15 pm

      EC7: I like the story of your friend changing over time! Nice example!


    • Posted by EC2 on May 17, 2011 at 6:15 pm

      EC10, I like your idea of the bullies realizing that they don’t have any friends, and I hope that someday the person that bullied you will realize what they’ve done.


    • Posted by EC12 on May 17, 2011 at 6:59 pm

      That is really sad and annoying. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have that happen to me!


    • Posted by EC8 on May 18, 2011 at 8:06 pm

      That must be pretty sad to be betrayed by a friend. Hopefully your other friends won’t follow their example.


      • Posted by ec10 on May 23, 2011 at 10:50 pm

        It was sad but he wasn’t one of my best friends, and if any of my other friend’s do follow his example they will NOT be my friend anymore.

    • Posted by EC21 on May 23, 2011 at 8:45 pm

      A person betrayed me to!


  5. Bullies are NOT born mean. They do become mean over time.
    They probably do it to get attention. They might get it from there friends. They might get it from T.V. shows.
    You know, I usually think that they do it just to get attention, and to be cool.
    When they’re trying to hurt other kids, they’re actually hurting themselves.

    I think that they will change. When someone is bullying you, and you want to do something about it, but you’re scared to tell someone, that actually makes things a lot worse. You SHOULD tell someone about your problems.
    I think this will happen because when they get in trouble, they’ll finally realize how mean they were to those people. Or if the bully hangs out with a nice person, they’ll learn from that person, and that bully will become nice.


    • Posted by ec15 on May 17, 2011 at 6:05 pm

      I never thought of someone becoming a bully from watching T.V. but I guess that could happen. Good thinking.


    • Posted by EC-4 on May 22, 2011 at 8:10 pm

      I didn’t know that bullies could become mean from TV shows, but now that you say that, I think it’s possible.


    • Posted by ec13 on May 30, 2011 at 4:58 pm

      I so think that bullies are not to born mean nice work and great examples.!!!!


  6. Posted by ec7 on May 16, 2011 at 10:56 pm

    I like the story of your friend changing over time! Nice example!


  7. Posted by ec7 on May 16, 2011 at 10:58 pm

    I don’t think that bullies like Bubba were born mean, I think that they become mean over time. Maybe the would become mean because they have an older sibling that is really mean to them or maybe they were bullied when they were little and they wanted to bring their anger out on other people that are smaller than them and easy to bully like Nolan. If that is the case, than I do think that bullies can change and become friendly because they might realize that they have no reason to take out their anger on innocent people that didn’t do anything at all to them. They might realize that they can to other things to take out their anger instead of being mean to other people that have never done anything to them.


  8. Posted by EC20 on May 17, 2011 at 12:17 am

    For the first question I think that bullies cannot be born bad. When they are little they can be put down and called names or even just treated badly in general. I think bullies can change over time by people treating them nicely back and no one calling them names. I think Bubba had all these things done to him.


    • Posted by EC6 on May 17, 2011 at 5:24 pm

      I agree with you that if Bubba gets treated nicely he might be nicer back.


    • Posted by EC22 on May 18, 2011 at 10:38 am

      I agree to if bullies are treated nicely they might be nice back.


    • Posted by ec 17 on May 19, 2011 at 12:06 am

      Great idea, EC20. I like how you think that Bubba had all of these things done to him since he is so mean. I agree with that idea. It’s really good thinking.


  9. Posted by EC6 on May 17, 2011 at 5:17 pm

    I do not think that Bubba was born mean I think that some of his other siblings were mean before him and he took them as his role model. I think that in Bubbas family people have been bullies and that is why Bubba is such a bully to other kids. I also think that with people doing good things to him he might be nicer.


  10. Posted by ec15 on May 17, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    I do not think that bullies are born mean. I think that bullies turn into bullies or become mean if something or someone is mean to him or her. I think that they turn mean when school starts because that is when there are lots of people to bully and be mean to. If someone was mean to him or her then they sort of want to take there anger out on someone and so they take it out on nerdy kids that cant fight back or who don’t have friends for extra support.


    • Posted by EC8 on May 19, 2011 at 9:47 pm

      I totally agree on the part about them taking out their anger, and that is really true. Nice post!


  11. Posted by EC2 on May 17, 2011 at 6:08 pm

    I think that bullies become mean over time because they probably have a reason to do it, like if someone was mean to them and then they took out their emotions on different people; like Nolan, or if they were jealous of a person. I think that over time some bullies will change, and just get over with their jealousy or realize that they just shouldn’t do it. It depends on if they will listen to other people or figure it out themselves.


  12. Posted by EC12 on May 17, 2011 at 6:37 pm

    I do not think that bullies are born mean. Sometimes they become bullies if someone bullies them, or if they want attention. I don’t really think that bullying is the best way to get attention, but it happens. Sometimes bullies change, and sometimes bullies are bullies all their lives. One way that bullies can change is if someone is nice to them. The bully will either feel better about themselves, or just smirk or sneer or something at the person who is being nice to them. It really depends on the person.


  13. Posted by EC5 on May 17, 2011 at 7:48 pm

    Bullies are not born they become mean over time-usually from being bullied themselves. And when you are born, you do not have any real feelings or personalities but you grow into them as you get older and get a opinion about the world and the people around you.
    I think that yes bullies can change but you can not change a bully by force. The people who are being bullied (in this case Nolan and all the people in his class)
    need to ignore the bully and not care about what they say so in the end they will stop because they aren’t getting the reaction that they want. Another way that you can change a bully is be nice to them-that doesn’t mean gang up with them-it means say things like “thank you” and “please” etc. so they (again) aren’t getting what they want from you.

    So overall, bullies can only be stopped by the people who are being bullied stop letting them get to you and give an unsatisfying reaction.


  14. Posted by ec 17 on May 17, 2011 at 9:27 pm

    I think that bullies such as Bubba Bixby are not born mean. I think that they become mean over time. I think that if people are kind to them he might be kind back. Even though Bubba steals from even his friends they accept him as a friend. So they are probably nice to him. Otherwise Bubba wouldn’t be friends with them. Bubba may also become nicer after he sees Nolan’s project. He might realize that what he does can be harmful to others. Sometimes, bullies are mean because they enjoy making people feel hurt or bad about themselves. So some bullies might stop if their target(s) stop showing that they are hurt.


  15. Posted by EC22 on May 18, 2011 at 10:34 am

    I think that bullies are not born mean because maybe the bullies were bullied by another bully and probably they thought that the only way to defend themselves was to be mean to other kids so nobody bothers them or they could become mean because the way they are treated at home maybe there father says mean things about the person maybe the person thinks it okay to act like that at school. I think the bullying stops when someone stops treating the bully bad at home.


  16. Posted by EC8 on May 18, 2011 at 8:02 pm

    I think that bullies become mean over time, most likely because they have no friends or their parents are mean to them and that is what they think is right to do because their parents do it. That is why it is so important to be a role model, because if younger kids see you being a bully, chances are they will grow up to be a bully, too. I think they can change if their victims start to ignore them or stand up to them.


  17. Posted by EC18 on May 18, 2011 at 8:13 pm

    I think bullies change over time because something could had happened to them that they are sad or mad about like a parent getting killed. They might not be raised as well with one parent or they are just mad that they don’t have friends and start to be mean to other kids. I think they can change if everyone is nice to them or if you give them a gift and maybe become friends too.


  18. Posted by EC1 on May 18, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    I think that Bubba Bixby was not born mean I think that he got mean over time because people maybe bullied him or he was mad and takes his anger on other people. Bulies can change so that means that Bubba Bixby can change. I think Bubba Bixby will change because nobody will go anywhere near him and he won’t be so mean anymore.


  19. Posted by EC19 on May 19, 2011 at 1:24 am

    I think Bubba isn’t born mean but become mean overtime. Usually a bully gets bullied by older siblings or bigger bullies. When they get bullied so much they start doing it to other kids to release their anger that they have on the other bullies. If Bubba had a friend that was nice and not like him he might take after his friend and be nice.

    I think bullies can change and will have to change to have a good life as a grownup. In this book I think Bubba will change by either getting caught or going to middle school. I think Bubba will change by getting caught because if he gets caught then the teacher and other grownups will catch him whenever he does something wrong. Also I think Bubba will change when he gets to middle school because when your in middle school teachers are meaner and usually people mature during middle school.


  20. Posted by EC9 on May 19, 2011 at 10:46 am

    I think that bullies become mean over time. They become bullies when some other bully hurts them. So then they get so much anger and so they take it out on other kids which makes them a bully.

    Bullies will have to change if they want to have a good life when they are older. In the book I think Nolan will catch Bubba and then Bubba will not be a bully anymore because he knows that he’ll get in even BIGGER trouble if he does it again.


  21. Posted by ec14 on May 23, 2011 at 12:16 am

    I think bullies become mean over time. This might happen because people were mean to them and then they might start being mean back to everybody. I think bullies could become nice after they were mean. This could happen by people being nice to them and exposing the bullies to kindness.


  22. Posted by ec3 on May 23, 2011 at 9:06 pm

    I think that they become mean over time because they might have experienced someone being mean to them. I think they could change if someone or if they realizes how mean they are being. Or if someone is nice to them.


  23. Posted by ec3 on May 23, 2011 at 9:18 pm

    I think that they become mean over time because they might have experienced someone being mean to them. I think they could change if someone or if they realize how mean they are being, Or if someone is nice to them.


  24. Posted by ec3 on May 23, 2011 at 9:20 pm

    I think that they become mean over time because they might have experienced someone being mean to them. I think they could change if someone realizes or if they realize how mean they are being.They could change if someone is nice to them.


  25. We are all born as babies. As far as I know–and this makes a fairly even playing ground. None of us can feed ourselves or clean up ourselves at this early stage in life.

    Bullies are conditioned to be jerks and those of us who get bullies are also conditioned to be bullied.

    Knowing this gives us the power to change the situation. Even if we are being bullied we can change the situation anytime we are ready. Need to learn how?

    Most of us live our life engaged with our conditioned mind and only people who develop the skills (we all can) that allow themselves to step back to observe their thoughts can create the dreams they desire in life.

    Anyone can do it. You can too.


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