A Confucian School

“Study hard and never feel contented, and never be tired of teaching others.”

“I was not born with knowledge, but being fond of studying about history, I was eager to seek it through diligence.”

“To be fond of knowledge is better than to merely acquire it; to take delight in it is still better than merely to be fond of it.”

“If others succeed by making one ounce of effort, I will make 100 times as much effort.”

“Young people have great potential for achievements.  Who can say that they will not be our equals in the future?”

Imagine that you have the opportunity to create a school based on the words of Confucius.  Based on his words, answer the following questions about your school: (make sure you use complete sentences!)

  1. What is the relationship between between students and teachers, teachers and principal?  What do the students wear to school?
  2. What is the school’s mission?  Design a logo to hand in on Friday and a statement signifying the school’s core values.
  3. What are the 6 most important rules?  Tell why you chose each rule.
  4. How will the school be designed physically?   Please draw a floor plan and bring that to school on Friday as well.  What subjects will be offered and why?

This blog entry will be due on Friday, January 28th.

39 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by EC20 on January 25, 2011 at 2:00 am

    1) What is the relationship between between students and teachers, teachers and principal? What do the students wear to school
    1) The relationship between the students and teachers should be good because the teachers are teaching the students. If the students listen well then the teacher would have a good word for their parents and their parents would blame the good teaching on the teacher. The relationship between the teacher and the principal should be well because if the principal excepted the teacher they should treat them well as the treat others ” Treat people the way you want to be treated.” The teachers should also treat the principle as well as they treat you, because they were lucky enough to let you be in the school and should be being nice to you. They students in my school would probably wear regular clothes but it would have to be suitable clothes.
    2) What is the school’s mission? Design a logo to hand in on Friday and a statement signifying the school’s core values.
    2) The school’s mission is to get the children to strive for academic excellence and respect.
    3) What is the school’s mission? Design a logo to hand in on Friday and a statement signifying the school’s core values.
    3) The 6 most important rules in my school are:
    1) Respect others
    2) Be Safe
    3) Be Nice
    4) Add Effort into things
    5) Listen
    6) Be a good friend
    I chose respect others because you won’t want other people not letting other kids play or what not so respect others. I chose be safe because usually you want children to not hurt themselves or hurt others. I chose Be Nice because you din’t want kids be bullies or just being mean whenever, so be nice. I chose Use Effort because I don’t like to see children’s sloppy work al over the place. I chose listen because I don’t like when others don’t pay attention when I or another person is talking and I like it when they listen up. I chose be a good friend because when people get excluded from games it’s not being nice and not being a good friend so do the opposite to be a good friend.
    4) How will the school be designed physically?
    4) The school will be just like regular schools with 3 floors but not as much teachers.

    I hope I gave you a right amount of information about my school!


  2. Posted by EC12 on January 25, 2011 at 10:19 pm

    1. What is the relationship between students and teachers, teachers and principal? What do the students wear to school?
    Students treat the teacher with respect. If the students are really well behaved then they might get a prize, or something. Teachers treat the principal with respect, as well. The students wear normal clothing like we do.
    2. What’s the school’s mission?
    The school’s mission is to teach children to be respectful, caring, and kind.
    3. What are the 6 most important rules? Tell why you chose each rule.
    1) Be respectful – Confucius was all about being respectful
    2) Be caring – number two of the school’s core values
    3) Be kind – Confucius was all about being kind, also
    4) Work your hardest – the school doesn’t want children to just be done with the work, they have to actually put effort into it
    5) Do your homework – if you don’t do your homework you’ll never learn
    6) Keep trying – if you give up right away then you’ll do that all your life
    4. How will the school be designed physically?
    The school will be like our school, but only two floors.


  3. Posted by EC20 on January 25, 2011 at 11:07 pm

    In the sentence “I chose Use Effort because I don’t like to see children’s sloppy work al over the place. “, I meant to say “I chose Use Effort because I don’t like to see children’s sloppy work all over the place.”


  4. Posted by EC 18 on January 26, 2011 at 12:43 am

    The relationship of the students and their teacher is students respect their teacher and the teacher respects his/her students. The relationship between the teachers and the principal is the teachers look up to the principal and the principal respects the teachers. The students are required to wear uniforms. The school’s mission is for the students to show filial piety to their teacher and learn to use it everywhere. The 6 most important rules are…

    1. show filial piety to all teachers – I chose that one because it’s the school’s goal.
    2. don’t hurt others feelings – If you hurt others feelings then no one will like you.
    3. try your hardest – If you don’t try your hardest then your work won’t look like you tried to do it.
    4. listen to the teacher at all times – If you don’t listen to the teacher then you won’t know what to do in the activity.
    5. do exactly what the teacher tells you to do – If you don’t do what the teacher tells you to do you will get in trouble.
    6. revise – when you write something double check it just in case.

    The school will be disigned physically by looking like a circle because I think a circle is relaxing. The subjects that will be offered are… Writing – Because everyone needs to know how to write thoroughly. Reading -Because everyone needs to know how to read thoroughly. Math – To increase the students math skills. Science – So you can learn how to experiment using different materials. Confucianism – The students can learn this so they can become more respectful.


  5. Posted by ec10 on January 26, 2011 at 2:59 am

    1.At the school students will be respectful to the teacher and the principal.
    2)At my school I don’t want to be too strict to the kids so they can wear regular clothing.

    2.The schools mission is to educate all kids to let them live a smart and healthy life.

    3.Six most important rules you should remember-
    1)Respect-Confucius was very respectful.
    2)Behavor-Confucius NEVER misbehaved.
    3)Safety-Nobody should be hurt at any school.
    4)Responsibility-Confucius was very responsible.
    5)Time-Finish everything on time or get more homework.
    6)Effort-Always do the best you can.

    4.The school will have 3 floors each floor will have 4 classrooms.

    Hope you like my school!!!!!


  6. Posted by EC2 on January 26, 2011 at 10:44 pm

    1) The relationship between students and teachers, between teachers and the principal is based on respect. The kids don’t have to wear a uniform and can just wear normal every day clothes.

    2)The school’s mission is to create respect among everyone, and the students can study whatever choices there are for that level and grade.

    3) The six most important rules you need to know:

    1) Respect, one of the most important things to learn because if you do not respect others, they will not respect you.
    2) Study, Confucius was born without knowledge but became very wise because he studied.
    3) Effort, try as hard as you can and if you can, do more than you are asked to do.
    4) Kindness, if you’re upset don’t take it out on other people.
    5) Safety, if you aren’t safe you could hurt yourself or other people.
    6) Time, get things in on time or it won’t be fun for you or the teacher.

    4) The school will have one floor and ten rooms, opened to a hallway. Ten rooms are necessary because there will be seven classrooms, one for each year (kindergarten through grade 6), plus a library, a main office, and a recreation room.

    That’s what my Confucius school would be like, I hope you like it.


  7. Posted by ec1 on January 26, 2011 at 11:31 pm

    1. What is the relationship of the student and teacher, the teacher and the principal? What do the students wear?
    The relationship with the student and the teacher would be to listen and the teacher and the principal would be being polite to each other and the students would wear whatever they want.

    2. What is the schools mission? The schools mission would be to get more people to know about the school.

    3. What are the 6 most important rules? The 6 most important rules I would pick
    No swearing
    No taunting
    No bullying
    No sharing food
    No teasing

    4. What subjects will be offered? I will offer math, reading, writing, science I will offer these subjects because you usually have at other schools.


  8. Posted by EC-4 on January 27, 2011 at 12:04 am

    1. The students treat their teachers with honesty and respect and the teachers treat the principal with the same honesty and respect because of the 5 relationships. The children wear fine dress clothes to respect Confucius, like a tie and collared shirt for boys and a nice dress for girls.

    2. The school’s mission is to get the kids educated in a Confucian way. For example, memorizing Confucius’s sayings and putting a lot of effort into their work.

    3. The 6 most important rules:
    a. NO fooling around, because it’s not respectful to the teachers.
    b. Pay attention in class, because Confucius said “Study hard and never feel contented.”
    c. Don’t argue with the teacher, because it’s impolite to argue.
    d. Do your homework, because some of the work will appear on your report card.
    e. Treat your friends kindly, because it’s one of the relations Confucius talks about.
    f. Older students should behave in front of younger students to set a good example.

    4. The subjects that will be offered are: Learning about Confucius, History, Chinese books, martial arts, environmental science (because the ancient Chinese had respect for the land), and math (probably because if you go anywhere you have to know to add, subtract, and multiply).


  9. Posted by EC5 on January 27, 2011 at 12:19 am

    1.What is the relationship between between students and teachers, teachers and principal?  What do the students wear to school?
    The relationship between students and teachers is their respect for each other. The student should respect the teacher and the teacher should respect the student. As for teacher and principal their relationships are still circled around respect and the teachers respect the principal as much as the principal respects them. The girls will wear navy blue skirts and white t-shirts and the boys will wear navy blue pants and white skirts.
    What is the school’s mission? 
    The school’s mission is to teach the kids the ways of Confucius. By following his believed teaching methods.
    What are the six most important rules?
    The six most important rules are:
    1. Respect for everyone
    2. Study hard
    3. follow the rules
    4. live by the words of Confucius
    5. do what you are told to do
    6. treat Confucius’s words with respect

    What subjects will be offered and why?
    The main subjects that everyone will have to take are:
    The subjects that can be chosen by the students are:
    Even though the students can chose from the subjects just listed they have to chose at least one of them to add on to the required subjects.
    These subjects are offered so that when the students go to regular school they will not be behind on the work.
    That is my Confucian School.


  10. Posted by EC16 on January 27, 2011 at 12:25 am

    1.)The relationship between students and teachers should be kind, good and respectful. Also the teachers should be teaching the children and the children should be listening and concentrating on the work they have been given.
    The relationship between the teachers and principal should nice and the teachers should be hardworking so that they don’t fired or something and the principal should treat them well and not like “Hey,do that or I’ll fire you.”
    The students in my school will wear regular but suitable and kind of respectful clothes not like shorts or something.

    2.)The schools mission is get the students to strive for academic excellence and to be well-mannered and very respectful.

    3.)The 6 most important rules in my school are:-

    1. Be respectful
    2. Be safe
    3. Be kind
    4. Be helpful
    5. Be a obeying child
    6. Be a nice friend
    These are the most important rules and I chose them because:

    Respect: That is the main concept of Confucius and that if you don’t respect people they will say that that person is so disrespectful and they will not be like that person.
    Safe: I chose that because you don’t want kids getting hurt or putting their hair on fire.
    Kind: I chose it because I don’t want to see kids bullying each other.
    Helpful: I chose it cause if you help somebody, that person will say “Oh, what a nice kid.”
    Obey: You would always want to obey your teacher and elderly people and they would say that you are very nice.
    Nice Friend: You would want to be a good friend cause if you are nice other people will really like you and will be your friend.

    4.) The school will be like any other school. A school with 3 floors.
    Math, science, history,geography are the subjects that will be offered.
    I chose math cause it is the most important subject.
    I chose science because children need to know about the weather and stuff like that.
    I chose history cause they need to learn what Buddha was and other famous things.
    I chose geography cause they need to learn about the world and other countries.

    I hope you enjoyed this information about my school.


    • Posted by ec 16 on January 27, 2011 at 10:04 pm

      Sorry I meant to say:-

      Math, science, history, geography, writing and poetry are the main subjects that will be offered in my school.


  11. Posted by ec7 on January 27, 2011 at 1:29 am


    a) In the School of Peace, all of the students respect their teachers like they were their parents. They will listen and learn and study with respect and focus. The relationship between the teacher and the principal is also respect and listening to each other’s ideas and thoughts. The students and the School of Peace don’t have to wear a uniform but they can’t wear sloppy cloths. They have to wear cloths that will show their teachers that they respect them and learning and that they are not just being lazy.
    b) The schools mission is to teach the students that everyone deserves respect and kindness even if they did something that they were not supposed to do or they were not being respectful.
    c) The 6 most important rules are:
    1. Respect everyone even if they are not being respectful because maybe they deserve it inside or if you respect them, they will respect you.
    2. Always use all of your effort because there is no point in doing anything if you are not putting your effort into it.
    3. Always listen because if you don’t listen, you can’t learn anything.
    4. Take pride in yourself because if you take pride of yourself you can feel good about yourself and that is a really good feeling.
    5. Make everyone feel welcome because if everyone feels welcome, everyone can be friends and that brings peace to the school.
    6. Be open to other ideas and thoughts because if you are open to other ideas you can learn more.

    d) There will be 2 floors in this school. On the top floor there are 10 rooms and 7 of them are class rooms and 3 of them are other rooms. On the bottom floor, there are 5 rooms. There is a court yard in the middle for inspiration. The subjects that are offered are art, music, and all of the other required subjects like math, writing ect. The range of grades is from kindergarten to eighth grade, one room per grade.

    That is what the School of Peace would be like.


    • Posted by riveredge on January 27, 2011 at 1:47 am

      I love the ideas for your school. You have done an outstanding job designing a school that Confucius would be very proud of!


  12. Posted by EC22 on January 27, 2011 at 1:48 am

    1. What is the relationship between students and teachers? The relationship between students and teacher is to have a deep understanding of each other’s feelings and learning styles. This will unable, teacher and student to enjoy learning.
    2. What is the relationship between teacher and principal? The relationship between teacher and principal is that the teacher should feel free to stop by the principal’s office whenever necessary.
    3. What should the students where to school? The students should wear simple basic uniform. In the school color orange and blue.
    4. What is the schools mission? The schools mission is that all students have the ability to succeed in class and in life.
    5. What are the six most important rules? Here are the rules

    1. Respect, I chose this rule because you have to be respectful in school or in the world.
    2. Be nice, I chose this rule because it is a non –negotiable rule.
    3. Safety, I chose this rule because you have to be safe in everything you do.
    4. Listen, I chose this rule because you have to listen to your parents and teachers.
    5. Be Neat, I chose this rule because in order to find things you have to be neat.
    6. Patience, I chose this rule because you have to be patient in the line to be dismissed.

    6. How will the school be designed physically? It will be A 2 story building there will be teachers for every subject. The subjects will include math, science, social studies, reading, and writing and computer technology. I picked these subjects because these are important subjects in life.


  13. Posted by EC6 on January 27, 2011 at 1:57 am

    In my school I think that the teachers would get along very well with the kids because all of the kids would be well behaved so the teachers would not have to get mad at kids. I think that this would make them get along well because everything always works out better when people are getting along and when no one is getting really angry at each other.
    In my school the principal would get along normally with the teacher like how our teachers do with our principal because the principal makes the rules for the whole school community and the teacher makes the rules for his or her classroom.
    In my school I would let the kids were whatever they want to school because the teachers already do enough things like giving homework and stuff and they definitely DO NOT need to be telling us what to wear to school every day.

    3. In my school the six main rules would be…
    1. Respect kids.
    2. Be nice. (no teasing, leaving kids out, talking behind peoples back etc)
    3. Allow time to be creative.
    4. Obey your teacher.
    5. Do not get too distracted when you are doing work.
    6. Treat each other the way you want to be treated yourself.
    I would choose these rules because they are all important.
    1. Respect kids. I chose this rule because sometimes kids are not nice to each other and if it happened to you it would not make you feel good. I think that this would be a good rule to have in a school.
    2. Be nice. Being nice is an important rule to have because if you are not nice to someone then they might tell someone else and then no one will want to be your friend and play with you. (Something that you probably do not want that to happen.)
    3. Allow time to be creative. This is a good rule because if you went to a school that was all about working it would be no fun. I think that there should be time to be creative and use your imagination so that you can have some fun.
    4. Obey your teacher. Obeying your teacher is a good thing to do because when you are in a fight with your teacher or he or she is mad at you you go will not have a good year. If I was in charge of a school I would want all kids to be really happy and have a good memorable year.
    5. Do not get too distracted when you are doing work. I think that this is an important rule to have in a school because if you are getting too distracted and not doing your work then when you have a quiz you will not know any of the answers and get a bad grade.
    6. Treat each other the way you would want to be treated yourself. This is a VERY important rule because if you do not follow it the same thing will happen as being nice: kids will not want to be your friend or play with you.


    • Posted by EC6 on January 27, 2011 at 10:42 pm

      I forgot question 4 sorry! 
      4. My school would have 2 floors and 4 classrooms on each floor. I would have every class to be for a grade. The reason that I chose to have my school go up to 8 Grade is because I do not think that it is necessary to have a middle school and an elementary school and a high school all for Confucius but I do not like the idea of having one school have 12 grades. I would put two main doors on the school one in the front and one in back. The one in back would have a stairwell right near it so if you were on the top floor you would use the back door and if you were on the first floor you would use the front door. In every classroom I would put stain glass windows like the ones in church but they would have images of Confucius. I would put rugs in the classrooms and wood floors in the hallway. The last thing that it would have is quotes and sayings by Confucius in every classroom.


  14. Posted by ec 17 on January 27, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    1. One thing that the students, the teachers and the principal at my school all have in common is that they all teach each other. Teachers can learn from their students and from their principal. Students can learn from their teachers and their principal. The principal can learn from the teachers and the students.

    Everyone at my school should be free to wear whatever they want because they should have the freedom to wear what they want to.

    2. The school’s mission is to teach the students to do their best. It is also to teach the students to have an open mind and to be aware of their surroundings.

    3. The 1st rule at my school would be, to always do over the minimum, to do your best. I chose that rule because all of the examples of phrases that Confucius said emphasized my rule.
    The 2nd rule I would make at my school would be, to always help/teach other students if you can. The first phrase said, “Study hard and never feel contented, and never be tired of teaching others.” The last part was the reason that I chose the second rule.

    My 3rd rule would be to achieve what you want to. The reason I picked that rule is, when Confucius said, “Young people have great potential for achievements. Who can say that they will not be our equals in the future?” in his 5th phrase. The reason I picked that rule was because of the beginning of the phrase.

    My 4th rule would be, learning what you enjoy knowing is always more important than to learn more about things that don’t interest you. The reason that I picked that rule is in the 3rd phrase Confucius said, “To be fond of knowledge is better than to merely acquire it; to take delight in it is still better than merely to be fond of it.” My rule was based on the entire phrase.

    My 5th rule would be, respect other people. I chose that rule because in ancient China, back in the Zhou dynasty, it was always very important to respect your elders. But Confucius said that it is very important to respect young people as well in his 5th phrase “Young people have great potential for achievements. Who can say that they will not be our equals in the future?” In that phrase Confucius explained that young people might become our equals in the future so we should treat them as equals now.
    My 6th rule would be, always work hard and never be completely satisfied. I chose that rule because in Confucius’s 1st phrase he said, “Study hard and never feel contented, and never be tired of teaching others.”

    4. At my Confucius school I will offer history as one of my subject. The reason that I picked that subject is because Confucius studied a lot about history, “I was not born with knowledge, but being fond of studying about history, I was eager to seek it through diligence.”

    The 2nd subject I would offer would probably be science. The reason I chose that as my 2nd subject is, Confucius would have loved to know what is in the sky surrounding his ancestors. I know that because in ancient China, in the Zhou dynasty it was your ancestors were very important.

    The 3rd subject I would offer at my school would be about Confucianism. I would offer that subject because, Confucius’s beliefs/religion is very important especially in a school that was built for him.

    5. My school would have 3 floors like Thoreau and a tall temple for praying in the morning.


  15. Posted by ec13 on January 27, 2011 at 10:58 pm

    1). The relationship between the teachers and the students would be the students being very respectful to the teachers. My school would do this because Confucius said that.
    2). My school’s motto would be: it is better to love learning than to just learn.
    3). My six most important rules are, number one, enjoy learning . This would be a rule because Confucius said that it is better to love learning than to just learn . My second rule would be: be safe because of the important of safety. My third rule would be: respect for your teachers because Confucius thought highly of respect for your teachers . My fourth rule would be: try your best because Confucius said to “study hard and teach others”. My fifth rule would be: believe in yourself because children will run this world in the future. My sixth rule would be: if you do not understand something say so, this would be a rule because Confucius said so in the same words.


  16. Posted by ec3 on January 27, 2011 at 11:10 pm

    1. The relationship between the teachers and students would be friends, and learn new things together. The principal and teachers would get along well and talk kindly together about school things. Students could wear whatever clothing they want.

    2. The purpose of school is to help you to know what to do in life.

    3. Rule #1. Have Fun. This is because learning should be fun.
    Rule #2. Respect Others. This is so people will be treated the way you want to be treated yourself. Rule #3. Always use effort in your work. This is so you will get better grades. Rule #4. No running inside the building. This is so nobody gets hurt. Rule #5. No bullying. Bullying can hurt people’s feelings or being aggressive can hurt physically. Rule #6. Don’t say swears. This is because they are bad and inappropriate.

    4. The school will circular, with one big classroom for all the kids to learn together. We will teach math, science, art, music, books, history, space and solar systems. I will teach these because school is supposed to be fun, and these are the best I could think of.


  17. Posted by ec19 on January 27, 2011 at 11:38 pm

    1. The relationship between students and teachers in my school would be respect because teachers should think students have the potential to think of good ideas. Teachers should like their job so they will work hard to make it interesting and fun for students. The students should be fond of learning and want to learn so they will be respectful of their teachers. The relationship between the teachers and principal is good because the principal will listen to teachers ideas to improve the school. The teachers should be willing to listen to good ideas from the principal. The students would be able to wear whatever they want unless it is disrespectful because I wouldn’t want students hating school because they have to wear a uniform.

    2. My mission for the school would be for the principal, teachers and students to care about each other and for each to help each other succeed in their individual and group goals.

    3. The 6 most important rules are; 1. Respecting and helping each other. I chose this rule because if a school didn’t respect and help each other the school wouldn’t be a community. 2. Safety. If a school wasn’t safe the students might not want to go to school because they are afraid they will get hurt. 3. Be nice. If a school was filled with mean kids little kids might be afraid of big kids which they should look up to. 4. Try. If students didn’t try then students wouldn’t learn anything and think school was a joke. 5. Respect teachers. If students don’t respect teachers then teachers will not be able to teach the students. 6. Do your work. I chose this rule because if students didn’t do their work they wouldn’t learn.

    4. My school would be physically 3 floors. It would be very decorative so students will have inspiration. The subjects I would offer at my school are; 1. Science/Technology. I would offer these subjects because you need science/technology for this modern world. 2. Social Studies. When you grow up you need to know about other people in the world. 3. Math. You need to know math to even get a job. 4. Reading/Writing. I would teach reading/writing because you have to be able to write letters and you have to be able to read to read letters you receive.


  18. Posted by EC9 on January 27, 2011 at 11:58 pm

    1. The relationship between the students and the teachers is that the students should respect the teachers because the teachers are teaching them. And the students should be focused on their work. The teachers should be kind to the principal because if they weren’t they would not be paid and they would be fired.

    2. The schools mission is to get the students to be very smart and respectful of everyone.

    1. Respect
    2. Kindness
    3. Effort
    4. Concentration
    5. Take your time
    6. Safety
    I chose respect because it is so important in confucian schools to be respectful. I chose kindness because if you are nice to other people other people will be nice to you. I chose effort because it is always important that you try your best. I chose concentration because then you will do well on your work. I chose to take your time because if you rush through it you will miss everything that the work was about. I chose safety because it is important that you are safe or else you will get hurt.

    4. I would offer philosophy because it helps answer the big questions in life. I would offer psychology because it would teach students about their mind.


  19. Posted by EC21 on January 28, 2011 at 1:28 am

    1. The relationship between the people is they are all nice and they all respect Confucius’s words.

    2.The mission is to get the students to respect every one.

    3.#1 Effort


  20. Posted by ec15 on January 28, 2011 at 2:13 am

    1.All of the teachers and the principal get along well. The teachers respect the students and the students respect the teachers. The students wear a uniform to school to show respect to the teachers.

    2.The schools mission is to teach kids by having fun. They will do this by games and field trips. The schools core value is fun knowledge.

    3.The 6 most important rules are listening, study hard, put all of your effort into your work, remember that you can make a difference, you must always have fun in your work and always be nice to other students. I chose these rules because you must always listen to the teacher to show respect, you must always have fun so you can enjoy learning, you must study hard and put all of your effort into your work, you must remember you can make a difference in the world, and if you be nice to other people they will be nice to you.
    4.The school will offer P.E. to keep everyone fit, it will offer math, spelling and reading because everyone needs to know those, and it will offer history, and they will also learn about the environment.


  21. Posted by ec14 on January 28, 2011 at 2:22 am

    1. The relationships between the kids and teachers, teachers and principal are they respect each other and help each other. The students need to wear a nice shirt and bottoms.

    2. The school’s mission is to get kids to believe in themselves and respect every one.

    3. Six of the most important rules are: 1) respect each other, 2) don’t compete with anybody else in school work – work hard; 3) don’t cheat; 4) help others if they need help; 5) raise your hand when you want to answer a question; and 6) walk quietly through the hallways when class is in session. I chose these rules because they are some of the main rules in our school.

    4. The school subjects that will be offered are: reading, writing, spelling, math, history, geography, and art. These classes will be offered because you need them when you get older.


  22. Posted by EC8 on January 30, 2011 at 10:19 pm

    Dear Government,

    I would like permission to make a Confucian school. I will tell you what it will be like, and maybe you will give me permission.

    In my school, the students respect their teachers. Everyone respects the principal, so my school is based on respect. The kids can wear free clothing, so no one has to wear uniforms.

    The school’s mission is to teach children to be kind, giving, and respectful.

    The six most important rules are these:
    Respect- This is a Confucian school, and Confucius was the sort of guy who was all for respect.
    Effort- If you don’t put any effort into something, you won’t get it done.
    Safety- You need to be safe to have a good time.
    Behavior- If you don’t want to get in trouble, then behave well.
    Be kind- If you are not kind, you won’t have any friends.
    Lookening- If you are not looking or listening, you won’t learn anything.

    My school will look like this:
    It will be a circle shape, with another circle inside with rooms in a circle around a large – you guessed it, circle that is all open space except for benches outside each classroom and a giant tree growing in the ground right in the middle of the school, right through the ceiling and up into the second floor cafeteria where the roof is all glass so the tree can grow.

    The subjects offered are: math because it is essential in life; writing and English because they are needed communication skills; reading because everyone should be able to read; history because it is good to know what happened a long time ago so you will know about what the world was like and how what you see today came to be; science because it shows you about the world around us and the way things work; and finally, geography because it is good to know about the landscape of the world around us. My school teaches these subjects because they are all essential to know in life and they are the keys to a good education.

    I hope you enroll! Classes start September 13th and this is an opportunity you can’t miss!


  23. what relationships the students have with the teachers, and principal is- they work very well together, and the students NEVER say NO to a teacher or a principal. At least, they shouldn’t anyway. The students wear silky robes, with sandals.


  24. The school’s mission is to teach kids Chinese, and teach them other things that they need to learn. Some of the things they learn, they don’t even teach US in Massachusetts.


  25. One important rule is RESPECT. I chose this word because that is one of the Golden Rules. A second rule is CNFIDENCE. I picked that rule because it tells you that you should always believe in yourself. A third rule is GENOUROSITY. I picked this rule because it tells you that you should always give. A fourth rule is RESPONSABILITY. I picked that word because it tells you that you should always be responsable for your homework.It kind of reminds you to take care of your homework. A fith word is SAFTY. I picked that word because it tells you to be safe. It also tells you NOT to hit or touch, anyone in any way. Last but not least KINDNESS. I picked this word because it tells you not to bully. That is NOT being kind.
    Sorry It’s So Long.


  26. wow! I love how you wrote a letter to the Government! Very creative/impressive!


  27. Posted by ec15 on February 16, 2011 at 11:45 pm

    One day I was sun bathing on the top of an ocean when I started getting very hot. I was looking for a place to get off the surface of the water but the Pacific Ocean is so crowded! I couldn’t make my way down below the surface, so I decided to go through the water cycle.

    I was hoping for rain but I got the opposite. The sun stayed out. I started to feel like I was floating. I looked down and I saw that I was floating! Then I noticed I was invisible. But after about 10 minutes I was completely visible in cloud form with all of my friends. Slowly more raindrops started floating up in front of me. I started to notice it was getting dark in the cloud and I started to feel heavier. The next thing I knew I was falling out of the sky toward a pond. I plopped into the pond. It was less crowded here than the Pacific Ocean so I got down below the surface of the water easily but it felt like I was being absorbed. Soon I was in the ground. This is called groundwater storage. Anyway I stayed there for a while.

    After a couple of days, I traveled up a long stem. I was in a plant! I eventually slipped out and onto a leaf. I looked over the side and I was about 1 foot off the ground. I lay there sun bathing, thinking transpiration is hard. Then I thought how hard the water cycle is. Evaporating, condensing, precipitating, groundwater storage, and then transpiration. Just then I looked down and I was floating again!


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